The Redgum Years featuring John Schumann and The Vagabond Crew and
The Redgum Years featuring John Schumann and The Vagabond Crew and

The Redgum Years featuring John Schumann and The Vagabond Crew and

with special guests
Miami Marketta, Gold Coast (Miami, QLD)
Thursday, 23 October 2025 6:00 pm
205 days away
18 Plus

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General Admission 18+ (SEATING - UNRESERVED)
Limited Seating Available
Cabaret style shared tables of 4 and 6
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General Admission 18+ (STANDING ONLY)
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Redgum was one of the best most popular Australian concerts acts in the 1980s. Now Redgum’s frontman and songwriter, John Schumann, returns with his band the Vagabond Crew to present “The Redgum Years”:  the songs, the stories and the laughter. Superb musicianship, great vocal harmonies and one of the best Australian frontmen ever.